Thursday, July 31, 2008


So, I just finished Eclipse, the third book in the Twilight Series. I had to read it fast because tomorrow the fourth book comes out, Breaking Dawn. It was amazing. Another chronicle of Bella and Edward's love while fighting against enemies. But also of Bella fighting her love for Jacob. It was fantastic and Stephenie Meyer is an amazing writer and does a great job of portraying all the feelings that come with being in love, even when you're in love with a vampire. There is:
1 day
3 hours
52 minutes

until Breaking Dawn is released at 12:01am on August 2!!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Crucible

I have to say, this is probably my favorite play of all time. This is a play by Arthur Miller, about the Salem witch trials. It's about John Proctor and an important trial. I absolutely love it. The play starts with Reverend Parris's daughter who has been supposedly bewitched by a few girls and her servant who were dancing and "brewing" in the forest. The play goes on to see that the judges and people in town accusing each other of being witches. It talks about love, life, religion, loyalty and so much more. the ending was the best and it actually made me tear up. I love it. :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The End of Forever

Another amazing book from Lurlene McDaniel. This volume, containing the first and second book of the story, follows the story of Erin and Amy. When Amy runs out for extra sodas for the cast party, she is in a tragic accident, and lies in Neuro-ICU, somewhere between life and death. This is two books in one. The first is Somewhere between Life and Death and Time to Let Go. They are both amazing books, but I wont tell you about Time to Let Go or it will ruin the story. It's amazing and i reccomend it to everyone who likes romance books.